Doing Business with Friends II

I wrote earlier today about some of the issues that pop up when some of our clients and customers are our friends and family members. I thought it would only be fair to discuss another side of this issue—when we choose to do business with friends as vendors, suppliers, or colleagues. There can be all sorts of issues that pop up when we are the ones doing the purchasing or trying to partner in the business arena with those individuals we consider to be our good friends. Using friends’ businesses as vendors, suppliers and partners in our business endeavors can … Continue reading

Doing Business with Friends

Can there be a touchier subject in our home business operations than doing business with friends and family? With such a small home-based business it is hard to get away from it, but it can also be a source of stress and trouble. What works and what doesn’t work? Are there things we can do to help minimize problems? Are there certain kinds of businesses that are better-suited to doing business with friends? How can we have healthy boundaries and listen to our personal comfort-level? All the experts say that good business and sales are about building relationships; not to … Continue reading

Why You Should Get Involved (And Where?)

We’ve talked about volunteering and networking here in the Home Business blog, but I think that many of us have a tendency to isolate and work away solo in our small, home businesses. We forget how important it can be to get involved in our communities or even know where we can go to get involved. The truth is, involvement can really benefit our business efforts, as well as give our lives more of a sense of balance. Whether you get involved on a neighborhood or community level, or on a larger scale with your city or region—involvement gives you … Continue reading

When You Need Technical Assistance

Most of us who run our own home businesses are pretty small operations. We don’t have staff support or our own IT person standing handy when we have computer questions or need technical assistance. Still, we run into bumps and problems just like any other business owner, but what can be done? Where can we go when we need some technical assistance? Well, if you are lucky enough to have a computer or technologically savvy teenager in your household that may be all the farther you need to look! Of course, this isn’t always the case and you may face … Continue reading

Coping With “Crisis People”

I am growing weary of a few trendy sayings in the business world—“interface” is one of them, but one of the others is she just has “too much on her plate.” To my way of thinking, is one thing to be busy, quite another to be someone who operates “in crisis.” Busy people can actually be quite delightful to work with as many of them are very organized and efficient. But there is a big difference between being busy and being someone who is flying out of control in crisis. So what can you do when you have to work … Continue reading

Relationships Are Important In Business–But Don’t Abuse Them

I often write about how important networking and relationships are to building a strong home business. Business really is ALL ABOUT relationships, as far as I am concerned, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into quantity or intensity. Sure, you want to keep broadening your sphere of influence, but there is such as a thing as putting too much pressure on your friends, family and colleagues and abusing those very relationships you need to sustain your business. I have mentioned before that I have an extensive background working in nonprofit management and fund development. One of the things I learned in … Continue reading