Freelancing Mistakes To Avoid – Part 1

Being a freelance home – based professional can be very rewarding and very freeing. It can also be very scary and very challenging. Before you jump in to the world of freelance work with both feet, take a minute to look at this list of some common problems faced by freelance professionals. Don’t worry, I would not just toss you a list of problems to be aware of and wish you luck in avoiding them. Ideas for how you can avoid these problems are right here alongside them so that you and other freelancers who may be going through tough … Continue reading

Should You Invite Clients To Your Home Office?

Not all home-based must deal with the issue of meeting clients in person. Some businesses are able to be run entirely over the internet with perhaps the occasional telephone contact or virtual meeting. Other businesses do require some client contact. The home-based professionals that run these businesses must deal with the delicate issue of whether to invite their clients to meet them at their home office. If you are thinking about inviting clients to meet with you at your home office, be sure to thoroughly examine local zoning regulations regarding home-based businesses. Depending upon where you live, having clients meet … Continue reading

Helping Others While Working From Home

Many home-based professionals find that working from home gives them the ability to do many things that they enjoy that they may not have time for if they worked outside of the home. When you give up your commute and are able to schedule yourself to work at times that make sense for you, you may feel like you have more free time even if you work forty hours a week. There are many wonderful and meaningful ways to use this free time, and today I am going to focus on one of them: helping others. The flexibility of working … Continue reading

Setting Boundaries In Your Home-Based Business

One thing that new home-based professionals often have trouble with is establishing boundaries between home and work. Establishing those boundaries now will not only make you feel better about your choice to become a home-based professional, it will help you to establish the good work habits that you need in order to be successful. A good first step is to set a work schedule that is realistic. To determine what a realistic work schedule is for you, take out a calendar and look at a typical week. A calendar that has a lot of space to write on each day … Continue reading

If You Work From Home, Where Do You Meet With Clients?

One of the things that it is important to consider when you plan for your home-based business is where you will meet with your clients. You may not ever need to meet with your clients in person, and that makes this topic one less thing on your list of things to think about. For example, I never have to meet with my freelance writing clients in person. All of our communication takes place online. In fact, I have never even spoken with any of them on the telephone – that’s just the nature of the work. My other business, however, … Continue reading

How to Keep Clients Coming Back for More

One of the great feelings that a person can experience as the owner of his or her own business is the thrill of encountering a repeat client. They came to you for your product or service before, and you did your very best to ensure that they were satisfied with the product or service that they received from you. After the sale, you both went your separate ways. Fast forward to some time in the future when you receive a call, email, or visit from them again – they liked what you sold them or what you did for them, … Continue reading

The Importance of Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

With all of the technological innovations that have come into common use in recent years, it’s easier than ever to run a business from home. While technology is an essential part of any home based business, the 24/7 instant access that it provides may leave you feeling like you can never completely “unplug” from your business. The question is, what effect does being on-demand, all the time have on your business and personal life, and how can you balance being available for your business with being available for your family, yourself, and your life. An unfortunate consequence of the instant … Continue reading

Setting Some Parameters

In addition to planning and budgeting for a home-based business, it can be helpful to set some parameters for your business. By establishing limits or boundaries to what your business is or is not—as well as how your business fits into your home and family life, you can avoid some problems and struggles that might pop up. Having a home business is, by nature, a boundary challenge to home and family life. Where does our work world begin and end and how does it lap over into family life? Setting these parameters can be very basic and literal, or it … Continue reading