Letting Go of Self-Doubt

Next to guilt, one of the most self-defeating and troublesome personal emotions to carry into your home business is self-doubt. While it is perfectly naturally to wonder at times if you are doing what you should be doing and/or making the right choices, self-doubt can actually sabotage your ability to be focused, take chances, and build a successful home business. Concern, interest, self-reflection—all of these are valuable traits that can help us evaluate our work efforts and focus in on doing the best job possible in our home businesses. However, if we are constantly doubting ourselves, second-guessing our decisions, and … Continue reading

The Real Lesson Disney World Teaches

A few nights ago I was having a bedtime chat with my eldest son. You know, the chats which fall under the category of “stalling because I don’t want to sleep yet”? We were talking about traveling and how there were many places around the world that my husband and I hope to take the boys over the coming years, and how the first place on my list is Disney World. After establishing that yes, that is where Mickey Mouse and his friends lived, he wanted to know where it was and I said it was in America – a … Continue reading