Some Things ARE Unmanageable

Are you someone who thinks that there isn’t ANYTHING you can’t do or handle? Do you assume that whatever comes up in your home business you will be able to sail through with just some focus and effort? Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to actually admit that things are unfixable, unmanageable and cut bait… Now, I don’t want you to think that I am advocating quitting and giving up as a regular strategy—BUT, sometimes we can get so “dug in” and determined to tackle and fix an insurmountable difficulty, that we let other things slide, and end … Continue reading

Home Based Professionals Do Experience Stress

Home – based professionals are not immune to work related stress. Although we do not have to deal with things like commuting and office gossip, which can cause stress, we still have other work related pressures that can cause us to feel anxious. Things like deadlines, unanticipated difficulties, and challenging clients can leave even the happiest home – based professional feeling frazzled. When I feel stressed, I tend to let the issue churn over and over in my mind. This is not a good thing, as I continue to get more and more worked up about it even if there … Continue reading

Anxiety: When Meds are OK

My 18 year old daughter just graduated from high school. As we sat and discussed all of the plans for the weekend something jumped out at me: the anxiety she had been dealing with through her teen years was not getting better, and the impact on her day-to-day functioning was going to get worse. I have been noticing symptoms of anxiety in her for years, and spoke openly with her about options. However, as someone who spent years working with adolescents with serious emotional problems, I was leery to start her on medications before she became an adult. I wondered … Continue reading

Conditioner Makes the Difference

I have unruly hair. It’s thick and curly and I really do like it… but it can be difficult to handle. Dealing with my hair isn’t really that bad… as long as I use conditioner on a regular basis. I have two different types I like: one is your usual in-the-shower conditioner and the other is a leave-in conditioner. The leave-in is nice because it’s like wearing “product” (gel or mousse or something) without actually using gunk in my hair. I was in a rush yesterday while getting ready for work. So, while I’d intented to use my leave-in conditioner … Continue reading

Salvaging Damaged Hair

How healthy is your hair? Are you free from frizz and split ends? Is your hair shiny and smooth, or dull and unmanageable? If your hair is damaged — be it from chemicals (like pool chlorine), over-processing (like hair dye or perms), heat (like the sun or hair dryers), or something else entirely — here are some tips to help get your locks back into shape. Get on a regular schedule for trims. If your hair is in really bad shape, you may want to deal with the dead ends once a month; most healthy hair can go longer without … Continue reading

How did This Problem get Started?

A goodly amount of time in any home business is spent solving problems. Whether they are problems that come to us by way of our customers and/or clients or if it is something that has gone wrong in our daily operations—problems can be consuming. Instead of simply treating the symptoms, however, it can be helpful to dig in and try to figure out how the problem got started. Not only can this help you solve the problem at hand, but it can also help to fix a “systems” problem to make sure that it does not happen again. Let us … Continue reading

You Don’t Have to Stay Busy All the Time to Keep From Feeling Alone

While some of us single parents have a hard time getting the confidence and energy to go out and get involved in the world; to pursue interests and activities on our own—there are others of us who stay super busy; we have to keep every night and every moment full so we won’t have to feel alone. I cannot help but think that if you are staying so busy you never get to feel and be alone, you are missing out on one of the great personal growth opportunities of single parenthood. Learning how to feel comfortable in one’s own … Continue reading

Surviving and Weathering a Slump

Things cannot always go our way. Sometimes we will be buzzing along full of positive vibes and good energy, the customers are coming to us and the money is flowing–other times, well, we find that we are in a slump. Things are bumpy–they aren’t going our way and we find we have to tighten our business belts. We can get through this, we can survive and weather the typical slump… The first thing to realize is that the slump will pass–whether you are lacking in productivity, energy, contacts, or if you’ve lost some customers or clients or your business is … Continue reading

When Your Child is Teased

Teasing is supposed to be fun, right? At least that is what my mother taught us when we were growing up. She had two pat statements. One was “teasing is supposed to be fun” and the other was “if no one is laughing is not funny.” This was her response when we would try to excuse our mean-spirited behavior or things we said to others by saying: “It was a joke!” Still, sometimes our children have friends or peers who take teasing a little too far–or our child is especially sensitive–and teasing becomes a problem. I’m differentiating teasing from bullying–where … Continue reading

Life With Curly Hair

I used to hate my curly hair. I was so envious of friends with straight hair, even when they had perms! My hair was wild and poofy and unmanageable… and it still is. These days, I’ve learned to love my curly hair. In general, curly hair tends to dry out easily. It can be more brittle than straight hair, and can be prone to frizzing. Regardless of length, you may spend more time taking care of your curly hair than your straight haired friends spend on theirs. So how can you make your hair care routine easier? Some hair-care experts … Continue reading