What Is The Small Business Jobs Act and What Will It Do For Me?

The United States Senate will vote this week on the Small Business Jobs Act. The bill is expected to pass the Senate, but it will not become law until it is reconciled with small business legislation that was passed by the House of Representatives in June. That said, it is possible that the Small Business Jobs Act could become law before the mid-term elections happen in early November. While the Small Business Jobs Act that is now before the Senate contains some things that will be good for small business owners, it also contains some things that could be cause … Continue reading

Starting a Home Business in the Current Economy

Our economy is not at its strongest. When the economy gets shaky, it tends to cause us to get shaky about other aspects of our lives too. The other day I was talking to a woman who was looking for work. She said that once she finally found a job—no matter what job—she was going to “hang onto it for dear life!” For many individuals who have been contemplating starting a home business, you may be feeling like now is definitely NOT the right time. But, is it really the wrong time to start a home business? If you are … Continue reading

Decisions, Decisions

Are you are currently unemployed? Given the present state of our economy, this is not uncommon. Are you employed, but not really happy with your job? Sure, your job pays the bills, but you feel that it’s not a good fit for who you are or who you aspire to be. Or are you underemployed? This means that you probably have an outstanding educational background and some excellent skills, but there are just no jobs available for someone like you where you live so you have “settled” for a job where you are unable to work at your full potential … Continue reading

Look for Opportunities

Where many people see dead ends, others see an opportunity. There is no truer place for this then with money. As the stock market continues on a downtrend and the housing bubble bursts, most of us see the current road to money success as a dead end. Instead, we have to learn to change our thinking. Every ending is actually a beginning. Where a financial opportunity seems to fail, actually another one is brewing. Start looking at losses as potential gains. With this attitude in mind, you will set yourself apart in terms of making money work for you. Let’s … Continue reading