Almost-from-Scratch Cooking

Almost-from-scratch cooking can be the best of both worlds. It is less expensive than buying food already prepared, but it is quicker and easier than starting completely from scratch. You can serve good food with basic ingredients, but still have the time for all of the other things you need and want to do. Plus, if you use coupons and sales to get some of the ingredients, you may actually save more money than if you did things totally on your own. Here are some ways that you can practice almost-from scratch cooking. Use a Baking Mix Your standard baking … Continue reading

Starting Over with Nothing Part 2

As I mentioned in Starting Over With Nothing Part 1, the first thing you need to do after complete home devastation after a flood or fire is to get photographs on your walls and rebuild some memories. The next thing you do is to provide necessary furniture for your home. Just because you are doing it in a hurry though does not mean you should make rushed purchases which you can later come to regret. The first things you need to purchase are beds. Being able to sleep comfortable will help you to deal with all of the difficult chores … Continue reading

Starting From Scratch

Most of the articles I write here are geared toward those of us who are already working in our home businesses. We have already decided what we want to do and are struggling along trying to make it happen. But I have been reminded that many individuals who read these articles are still at the very beginning stages; many are starting from scratch and trying to get ready to take the big leap… Take it slowly, there is no big rush. Even if you are feeling the panic of needing to generate revenue as I was when I finally took … Continue reading

Starting Over When Things Don’t Work

Let’s say that you have done a bunch of family problem-solving around a troublesome issue, have made some decisions and started on “the plan” as a solution. But, it doesn’t work! Behaviors continue, or situations in the family change and things get worse. What is a parent or family to do? Start over… As most of you parents have already learned…sometimes the best laid plans just don’t work. I know that we are supposed to remain firm and consistent, but I can think of dozens of times when we’ve been through family meetings and problem-solving sessions, only to agree upon … Continue reading

Starting A No-Kill Shelter

One major decision you’ll have to make if you are starting a shelter is this: do you want to be a no-kill shelter? What does it mean to be a no-kill shelter? It means that you are not putting a time limit on the animals’ stays. It means you will not euthanize animals to free up space. It means you may be housing animals for months or years before they find a home. You may even be responsible for some animals until they pass away. Here are some issues to consider: Finances. Caring for an animal for a year will … Continue reading

Shopping List and Tidbits for the Food Blog: April 7 through April 13

The food blog has been busy, busy, busy this week thanks to the excellent ideas and recipes contributed by our very own frugal blogger, Mary Ann Romans. Keep reading for fabulous ideas in the kitchen, new food trends, and of course, you can always print out your shopping list full of ingredients! Tidbits March was National Pasta Month. However, as you may well know, March was also the month of the blogger hiatus. So National Pasta Month got celebrated with a quiz last week and this week I have posted the Answers to the Noodle Quiz. Are you familiar with … Continue reading

Cheap Dinner Ideas: Potato Bar

Sometimes it is hard to balance quick and easy with cheap when it comes to meals. The kids are really starting to get into their activities, and with all of the driving around (although I know we are probably better than most in that regard), there is little time for doing a lot of cooking from scratch. But home made meals don’t need to be elaborate to be healthy, warm, filling and delicious. Made with lower cost ingredients or even leftovers, you can have some great dinners without a lot of time or cost. Here we come $5 dinners! One … Continue reading

Cleaning Laminate Flooring

I used to love hardwood floors. But my love has now turned to laminate flooring. So we are slowly starting to put that throughout our house. Laminate flooring is pretty inexpensive and comes in all sorts of colors and styles. It is also very durable. If you haven’t invested in laminate flooring, I highly recommend it. But what about cleaning? Cleaning laminate flooring is different than other types of flooring. What I noticed in the beginning of trying to keep my floors clean is that they streak very easily. The surface is so glossy that any spots or streaks left … Continue reading

Building Character: Start an Organization

Does your child see a need in the community? Does he love to create art, fix computers, or teach others math skills? Creating a small business or organization is an excellent way to build character. What does building a business or a nonprofit teach your child? Building an organization teaches children how to find a passion and pursue it. This zest for an interest and the dogged pursuit of this interest will get you far. Starting an organization or a business gives children and teens the opportunity to determine what they like to do in a very practical, real world … Continue reading

Is a Home-Based Franchise for You?

You are probably very familiar with the concept of franchises. There are probably at least a few franchises in your local area, whatever that local area may be. In the Northeastern United States there are a few fairly ubiquitous names that stand out as you drive through the various cities and towns, names like Jiffy Lube, Pub 99, and Dunkin’ Donuts. While brick and mortar franchises are easy to see in your community, there are many other franchises out there that you can run from home. From cleaning services like Vanguard and ServPro to tool sales businesses like Matco and … Continue reading