Simple Strategies for Staying Organized

Some people are born organizers. They seem to have everything together, all of the time. Other people are not at all organized, and often spend more time looking for things or trying to remember what they were doing instead of actually getting anything done. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. They have it together much of the time but sometimes they have incidents where they misplace something or go off on a tangent and spend time doing things that are not all that important. In order to succeed in working from home, it is important that you be at … Continue reading

Staying Focused when you are Up Against a Deadline

While not all of us have to contend with deadlines in our home businesses, many of us do. Managing to stay organized and focused, and prioritize tasks when faced with a tight or unexpected deadline can take some getting used to. There are ways to keep on track, however, and learn to stay focused when an impending deadline looms. Deadlines have been a way of life for me for most of my work career. I imagine that I cut my teeth on deadlines by writing for my high school newspaper although I admit that I have gotten better with staying … Continue reading

Taking the Focus Off Ourselves for a While

Perhaps because I write so much about what is going on in my own little world, I often feel like I get pretty myopic. As a single parent, I might also be hypersensitive about myself and my life because I feel like I have to pay such close attention to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. That is probably why I think it can be so great to be able to let all that go for a while and focus on people and problems OUTSIDE my family and my little domestic scene. Getting out of my own world and … Continue reading

Staying Motivated on a Weekend

For many of us home business owners, our work lives are not divided up by week days and weekends. Nor do we have set business hours where we work straight through for 8 consecutive hours. While this flexibility can be fabulous, it can also create some motivation problems. I don’t usually have to work straight through a weekend, but I often have to do SOME work. Even this can be a strain as I have a tough time staying motivated when I want to just lounge and play with my family! So much of the rest of the world is … Continue reading

Finding More Time To Work

Being a home – based professional gives me the flexibility to work anytime, anywhere. Of course, for me, any time means any time that my son is napping, sleeping, or in the care of my husband or another loving relative. Anywhere does mean just that, though. Today I thought it might be fun to talk about some of the places that I have taken my trusty laptop in the interest of getting work done when the opportunity presents itself. Why today? Well, today I am sitting in the waiting room of the phlebotomy lab at a hospital an hour away … Continue reading

Getting Things Done With The 50 Minute Focus

One very important skill that all home – based professionals must master is time management. Many of us have limited time in which we can do our work, and even those of us that have more work hours available to them want to get the most that they can out of every one of those hours. Today I am trying out an exercise that is said to help individuals maximize their productivity. You may or may not have heard of the exercise called “50 Minute Focus”. The exercise itself is simple. You spend fifty minutes intensively focused on one task, … Continue reading

Do You Really Miss Going To The Office?

Sometimes, those of us that work from home may feel like we do not fare as well as our professional counterparts that work outside of the home. The more time that each of us spends working from home after leaving the world of work outside of the home, the easier it can be to forget all of the things that we chose to leave behind when we chose to become a work at home professional. If you catch yourself wondering about whether the grass is greener in the world of work outside of the home, it may just mean that … Continue reading

Luxury Pet Resort Opening at Disney World

I spent awhile deciding whether or not to run this story on my pets blog or Disney. Because I focused more on the pets angle for this article, I decided to post it here. Disney may already be a bit pet-friendly with kennels at their parks, but given the company’s love for a no-holds-barred vacation experience, I’m only surprised they didn’t debut a full-blown pets resort sooner. That’s right: the official Disney Parks blog has details on the soon-to-launch resort aimed at making Disney World the Most Magical on Earth for the entire family, four-legged members included. Disney’s always had … Continue reading

Getting Into a Rhythm

When I think about life with my home business, it is generally about me getting into a rhythm and falling out of a rhythm! If I am lucky, I can get a few good days out of a steady working rhythm while there are plenty of days where I never quite get in the groove or I get one good hour in before succumbing to interruptions and intrusions! Is there anything a person can do to help to facilitate getting into a steady working rhythm? 1. Know Your Most Productive Time of Day—I have learned that there are times of … Continue reading

More about the ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative

My previous article began discussing the ACF Healthy Marriage Initiative in detail. The article listed the mission of the initiative and the reason why the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 was created. This article will continue giving details of the act and initiative. There are several goals that go along with this government program. Some of the goals are listed below. Have more children raised in two parent homes where the parents are in a healthy marriage. Help couples that plan to get married have the skills for a successful and healthy marriage. Help teens and young adults obtain the … Continue reading