Mixing Business With Travel

One of the great things about having your own home – based business or businesses is that you get to decide how much vacation time you get, and when you can take it. While you may not be able to pay yourself for vacation days that you take, you may still be able to make money while you are on vacation by working a little bit during your trip. The bottom line is, how you approach balancing travel and work is completely up to you. In just a few days, I will be leaving with my family for a road … Continue reading

Is Your Home Based Business Ready To Weather The Storm?

As Hurricane Sandy makes its way up the East Coast, many home – based professionals are likely to be thinking about what they need to do in order to get ready for the storm. Of course, what each home – based professional has to do to prepare will depend upon where he or she is located. On the more severe end of things, people who have to evacuate their homes must decide if their work is something that they can take on the road with them, or if they must do their best to get everything stored safely away before … Continue reading

Know Before You Go – Does That Hotel Have Free Wireless Internet?

For the past week, I have been on vacation with my family on Cape Cod. I had a great time, and I was even able to get some work done in the evenings after the kids were in bed. Taking my home – based businesses on the go has always been fairly easy. For the law office, I take my smartphone, laptop, and whatever files I need. For my freelance writing business, all I need is my laptop and my day planner. All of these things fit neatly into one bag. Of course, one other thing that I need for … Continue reading

Finding Balance Through Routines

One of the biggest challenges that a home – based professional is likely to face is the issue of balance. How exactly do you keep up with work and the myriad of other things that you have on your plate? It is never an easy task, and the answer is different for each person. The answer is also highly dependent upon what things you are trying to balance. In the couple of years since I became a home – based professional, I have found myself in various positions with regard to how balanced my life is. Since my primary occupation … Continue reading

The Importance of Reliable Business Equipment

When you have a home – based business, you rely heavily on your business equipment. Things like cell phones, cell phone service, computers, and internet service are essentials that you depend on every day to make working from home work for you. Over the past few days, my family has had a funny experience with business equipment that illustrates just how important reliable business equipment is. Here is a little background information to set the stage for the story. My husband and I have been customers with the same wireless service provider for ten years. The service was so good … Continue reading

Grateful For The Opportunity to Work From Home

One great thing about being a home – based professional is that you can do your work in the comfort of your own home. This aspect of home – based work has been especially enjoyable the past few months as I have gotten more and more pregnant and less and less comfortable in the maternity clothes that I wore the last time around. As offensive as it is to my sense of fashion, I spend much of my time in sweatpants including my work time. Some home – based professionals would advise against working in your pajamas or sweatpants, insisting … Continue reading

Mom’s On The Phone – Time to Cause Trouble

If you are a home – based professional who is also a stay at home parent, chances are that you sometimes have to take a business call when the children are present. It can be no small feat to keep your child or children safe, occupied, and content while you take even a short phone call. I take care of as many phone calls as I can during my two year old son’s nap time, but there are days when he does not nap and there are times when people call me and I must answer the phone. The following … Continue reading

How to Set Goals for Your Home-Based Business

This is my last home business blog for the year 2011. So I don’t want to miss an opportunity to talk about the importance of setting goals for the year 2012. You may be at the start line. You are ready to get started, to get a home business off the ground. Or you may already be in the race, midpoint and wondering how much further you have to go. Perhaps you are the fortunate one who has already reached the end, experiencing nothing but victory in your accomplishments. No matter where you are in this, there are always things … Continue reading

More Steps Towards Your Home Based Business

We are moving along through the steps that you can take to get your home-based business up and running. After you have estimated how much money you will need to start your business, it is time to move on to firming up many other details of your home-based business to be by writing a business plan. A business plan is a necessity for any home-based business as it provides you with a road map of where you want to go and how you plan to get there. When you write your business plan, keep in mind that there are three … Continue reading

Depending on the Internet for Your Income?

I’m sure many of you heard about the glitch Gmail has been having, and I’m sure many of you were affected. I was one of those unlucky ones … I woke up this morning and logged on to be told that Gmail had deleted my account. I can’t even tell you the thoughts and feelings that coursed through me at that moment – this is a family-friendly site, you know. I’m sure you can imagine it, though. In addition to having friends and family in my e-mail box, I have contact information for all my clients. I’m a freelancer, and … Continue reading