The Deadline Dilemma

Ah, deadlines. If you are a freelancer of any kind, they are part of your reality, like it or not. Sometimes it seems as though they are there to taunt and tease us, as if to say “So you think you can actually get that project done by this day and time?” For some reason, it can feel like whenever there is a deadline coming, things get all wacky. Things keep getting in the way of your work or, if you are able so get to your desk your inspiration is nowhere to be found. Before you know it, you … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 3

In my work-at-home mom world, each day’s work holds something slightly different. That’s just the work end of things. There is also plenty of variety as far as the other things that I do during the day in my roles as “mom”, wife, and “domestic goddess wannabe”. This is, for the most part, a good thing and I certainly never get bored. It also means that I go through quite a few transitions each day. On any given day, I could be writing a blog post or two (or maybe even three) during Dylan’s nap and then writing more blog … Continue reading

Dads and Home Based Business

Father’s Day is in just a few days, and I would like to discuss some of the ways that dads contribute to home-based business success. Some dads are home-based professionals. Many men enjoy the freedom that comes with entrepreneurship or home-based work and they often achieve professional goals that far exceed what they had imagined. Some of these dads are also stay-at-home dads, balancing fatherhood and work while building close relationships with their children. It is also important to note that stay-at-home dads provide valuable support to their wives or girlfriends in their careers whether the women work outside of … Continue reading

Making The Work-At-Home Environment Work For You

One of the major differences between working at home and working outside of the home is the environment. This can be a blessing or a curse, depending upon who you are and what makes you feel happy and be productive. The good news is that while you cannot usually make casual Friday into casual every day when you work outside of the home, you can sometimes recreate the things that you love about working outside of the home in your home-based work life. For some people, working at home is a dream come true. Once they make the transition to … Continue reading

Have You Survived Building a House?

There are some things that are just known for couples to argue and fight over. Some of those things are money, kids, and household chores. Another major dilemma that is often thought of to take place among couples who are building a house. I have never experience the process of building a new house. However, I have heard from almost everyone that I know that has built a house that it is a major undertaking. The stress of details, deadlines, and decisions can create much tension among couples. This especially can happen if the couple decides to complete some of … Continue reading

A Man with a Plan?

Monday night I had my end of the season tournament for the volleyball league I play on. It can be a long night, depending on how many teams are playing and how many points each match goes to. However, I enjoy it because I get to catch up with friends. Such as my friend Chris. We met at the beginning of last summer on Tuesday nights, when a bunch of us get together and play sand volleyball in one of the local parks with a group called Team Green. Chris and I hit it off right away. He’s easy to … Continue reading

Do Comparisons Help or Hurt?

I tend to subscribe to the personal belief system that comparing myself to other people and other situations is not good for me—but when it comes to operating a business, it can be hard not to try to keep up with what other businesses are doing. After all, isn’t that what competition and paying attention to the market trends are all about. Still, I have read some experts who say that focusing on competition isn’t necessary in business and that if we just tend to our own shelves, things will go better. What do you think? I am not an … Continue reading