Politically Correct Emails

Listen you all… this is important. Emails are hard-copied versions of words that once sent, cannot be taken back. This is critical to remember, whenever you send an email. However, it is super critical when the email is work related or sent from your employer’s email account. Many employers have become paranoid about how their employees use email. Therefore, whether they are open about it or not, they are often watching you and your email account. Yes, it may sound like a scary big brother episode. Still, look at it from the company’s perspective. If you send an email out … Continue reading

Impatience Comes Through an E-mail

I received a couple e-mails the other day that were not sent directly to me but were a “reply all” to some group e-mails. I don’t think the authors realized that they had hit “reply all” and that what should have gone to just one person (if that, really, judging by the content) went to the entire group. What came through was impatience and poor communication and it just was not very professional. I realized how quickly a person’s reputation can be damaged by a quick, hot-headed reply to an e-mail. I know that nearly all of us have committed … Continue reading

The E-mail Trap (Checking E-mail in Off Hours)

Occasionally, I just can’t help and I check my work e-mail in my off hours–sometimes it is no big deal and I can check quickly and then head off to do something else. Other times, I get sucked into the vortex of work and even though it is my own fault, I just can’t seem to stay true to my boundaries. While it may be possible to check one’s e-mail and set things aside to do later, it can also be a trap–we think we’ll just take a peek and before we know it, we are working away… If it … Continue reading