Analysis VS. Action

The process of analyzing does not always have to be the opposite of “action.” In fact, in many cases, analysis is the process we perform as we figure out what to do and decide how we are going to act. Sometimes, we even find ourselves doing the analyzing AFTER we’ve jumped into action. Regardless, in a home business, both the ability to make the most of analysis and to take action when the need arises is important skills to cultivate and develop. The process of analysis involves not only taking in all of the information about the problem or situation … Continue reading

Coping With Temporary Setbacks

Running a home business can be a rocky road. Some days things seem to sail along with such grace and perfection that we feel as though we have finally stumbled into the work we were meant to do—and on other days, the precariousness and realities of a fledgling or evolving business can really feel as though we’ve been dealt a big blow. Temporary setbacks, however, are a part of business—just as they a part of life—and we can learn to cope and roll with the punches in order to experience more overall satisfaction in our work. It seems like it … Continue reading