Diary of a Work At Home Mom Part 13

The life of a work-at-home mom is never boring, and today is no exception. Last night, hurricane Irene knocked out our electricity around 5PM and there’s no telling when it will come back on. Fortunately, that is all that happened at my house. Unfortunately, many people with homes and businesses near the rivers of Vermont did not fare so well and I hope that they are able to recover from their losses. Not having electricity sure takes some things off of the to-do list, like dishes and laundry. Those things will pile up and be waiting for me when the … Continue reading

The Non-Lunch Making Mom

The other day my 17-year-old son was complaining that I never make lunch for him and my other two children. I thought he was joking at first. I mean, first of all, my children are 12, 14 and 17 years old. They can certainly make their own lunch. But more importantly, I am working. I don’t know if other home business professionals can relate but it is sometimes very difficult for the family to understand and respect your time working. My family has gotten better but obviously there are still some expectations that they have. For a moment guilt attempted … Continue reading

Simple Lunch Ideas

My daughter’s playgroup has morphed into a bi-weekly mommy luncheon. Twice a month we gather to swap anecdotes, watch our kids play together, and eat. I find it quite therapeutic. The chatting that is. As for the meal itself, we keep it very simple, and each person is responsible for bringing a dish to pass. Last week one of the moms took a kid-friendly dish (grilled cheese) and kicked it up a few notches (go Emeril!) to create amazing grown-up sandwiches. Throw in a few easy dips and you have the makings of a delicious and nutritious lunch. Here are … Continue reading

How Do You Feed a House Full of Very Big People (at a Moment’s Notice?)

I anticipate that the bulging of my little townhouse won’t last forever, so I am trying to cherish and enjoy it. I imagine that the day will come when what now seems like a rather tight fit will seem huge and like “too much” space. These days, I never know whether I will be feeding myself popcorn and orange juice in front of an old movie, or a half-dozen starving, strapping teenagers! Yesterday evening, I walked into my house to find the living room literally stuffed with teenage boys—okay, there were only three of them but when you take into … Continue reading

Mr. Mom (1983)

In “Mr. Mom,” Jack and Caroline Butler are living the typical suburban life of the 1980’s. She’s a stay-at-home mom, he works as an engineer at a car factory, and they are struggling to make ends meet. But they budget and they’re hanging in there, until Jack (Micheal Keaton) loses his job. Wondering what they’ll do to support the family, Jack and Caroline (Teri Garr) both start putting in their applications. When Caroline is hired before Jack, they both agree that Jack will stay home with the kids, but it’s just for a little while until something comes along for … Continue reading

Interviews with Homeschoolers: Karen Loutzenhizer, Part One

Today I’m talking with Karen Loutzenhiser, a homeschooling mom from Utah who took time out to chat with me about her homeschooling journey. Karen, how did you know that homeschooling was the right choice for you? I have wanted to be a teacher since I was a little girl, and the only thing that could top that career in my heart and mind was being a mommy. By the time I got my degree in education, I already had two kids in tow. I knew that they were my absolute joy and my #1 priority. Why would I drop my … Continue reading

Foster Discussions and Keep Communication Open

Have you ever had one of those stretches where you were so busy and distracted that it dawned on you that it had been a couple days since you really sat down and talked with your child? When this happens we get filled with guilt and remorse and wonder how on earth we could let such a thing happen… As busy single parents, we really have to make the extra effort to foster discussions with our kids–the older the children get and the more busy we all become, the harder it can be to carve out the time to chat. … Continue reading

Homework Station

Even if I’m not ready for summer to end, there’s something about shopping for back to school supplies that is fun. At least until I hand over the credit card, that part isn’t fun. Still, it’s fun to see bright shining backpacks, newly sharpened pencils, and lunch boxes that aren’t stained by juice boxes. None of that will last, but it’s still a neat time of year. Part of our back to school routine is setting up a homework station. We pull together all the things that the kids think they will need in the coming months. Our supplies include … Continue reading