Thinking Of A Seasonal Home Based Business?

As I was out shopping today, I saw workers in one of the stores putting up Christmas trees in their home decorating department. My first reaction was to feel disgusted that Christmas merchandising seems to happen earlier every year. Seriously people, it is not even officially fall yet. My second reaction was that if I were someone who wanted to operate a seasonal business around the holidays, now would be the right time to start planning and preparing for it. The holidays can take up a lot of time and energy for many people. If you have the time, energy, … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Dropshipping

One way to make money from home is to sell things online. There are many ways to sell products on the internet, and some of them work better for some people than for others. Dropshipping is one method of selling products online. Dropshipping involves selling products for companies that sell the products for you on a wholesale basis. Here are some of the pros and cons of starting a home based dropshipping business. On the positive side of things, there is the fact that the merchandise does not have to come to your home before it goes to your customers. … Continue reading

The Public Perception Of Home Based Workers

I recently read an article about a survey that was done by Citrix, a company that develops technologies to help people work from remote locations, such as their homes. You may have heard of one or more products from Citrix. They are the people who created GoToMeeting, a program that lets users in remote locations attend meetings at locations across town or around the world. For some reason, the study, at least how it has been portrayed, does not seem very flattering to home – based workers. One point that several articles that I read commented on is that the … Continue reading

The Basic Steps For Writing An Ebook

I am sure that I am not the only freelance writer who wonders whether they will ever author anything other than the pieces that they produce for the writing assignments that they take on. Writing is enjoyable for me, and I have been able to find projects that allow me to express myself creatively while earning money. Someday, though, I would like to write something independently of work. I am not sure how and when I will ever find the time to do that, but it is still a dream of mine. Since the process of getting a traditional book … Continue reading

Quick Tips For A Happy Work Day

If your home – based business or job has begun to feel like the daily office grind that you thought that you were escaping when you made the switch to working at home, do not despair. It is inevitable that there will be days when your workday is less than stellar. That said, there are a few ways that you can do your best to make most of your work days pleasant. As you sit down to work, remind yourself why you do what you do. Thinking about the big picture, like how you work from home in order to … Continue reading