Home Based Business Opportunity – CAbi

If you are looking for a home based business opportunity and you are thinking about direct sales, you have probably realized that there are direct sales opportunities available for practically every type of product you can imagine. Of course, in order to be successful with your personal foray into the world of direct marketing, you must be sure to choose a company and a product that fits who you are. For example, if you don’t use scented candles at home and you do not care for cutesy home décor, then don’t fool yourself into thinking that you will be the … Continue reading

Is Your Home Based Business Ready To Weather The Storm?

As Hurricane Sandy makes its way up the East Coast, many home – based professionals are likely to be thinking about what they need to do in order to get ready for the storm. Of course, what each home – based professional has to do to prepare will depend upon where he or she is located. On the more severe end of things, people who have to evacuate their homes must decide if their work is something that they can take on the road with them, or if they must do their best to get everything stored safely away before … Continue reading

Scam Busting Tips For Home Based Hopefuls

It has been a while since I last wrote about a topic that should be top of mind for anyone who is interested in working from home – scams. If you are thinking of finding a home – based business opportunity instead of creating your own home – based business, this topic should be of particular interest to you. People who are looking to work at home are a target of many different types of fraudulent activity. It is important to know how to spot home – based business scams so that you do not lose the money that you … Continue reading

Balancing Home And Work Is Not Always Easy

If you work from home in addition to being a stay at home parent, you might feel overwhelmed sometimes. Raising kids is a full time job, and aside from nap time (if your child still takes naps) you may not be able to get much work done until after the kids are in bed. Also, as an adult member of the household, you probably have quite a few chores that you are responsible for. Add in trying to find time to exercise, time to pursue your own interests, and time to spend with your spouse or partner and there are … Continue reading

Thinking Of A Seasonal Home Based Business?

As I was out shopping today, I saw workers in one of the stores putting up Christmas trees in their home decorating department. My first reaction was to feel disgusted that Christmas merchandising seems to happen earlier every year. Seriously people, it is not even officially fall yet. My second reaction was that if I were someone who wanted to operate a seasonal business around the holidays, now would be the right time to start planning and preparing for it. The holidays can take up a lot of time and energy for many people. If you have the time, energy, … Continue reading

Should You Have More Than One Home Based Business?

One of the questions that may be on your mind as you set out to begin your home – based business is whether you will begin just one business or whether you will have multiple home-based businesses. There are advantages to each type of arrangement, and your final decision will have to be based upon your needs and the needs of your family. Some home-based businesses lend themselves better to being run alongside of each other than others do, so this is certainly one thing to think about before making a decision to have more than one business operating at … Continue reading

Have You Thought About Having More Than One Home-Based Business?

As if running one home-based business is not enough, some home-based professionals juggle two, three, or even more home-based businesses. The reasons that people choose to have multiple businesses are as diverse as the combinations of businesses that they own. If you are thinking of starting your own business but you are not sure whether you are comfortable directing all of your time, energy, and resources into one business then you may want to ponder whether multiple businesses would work better for you than just one. For example, some home-based professionals have seasonal businesses that they only operate for part … Continue reading

A Fresh Home Based Business Idea

I must admit, I have a very bad case of spring fever right now. It started a few weeks ago, and it is getting worse by the day. Even though it is still cold out, I have been outside for at least a little while each day and I have definitely noticed that it is getting dark just a little bit later. All of this wishful thinking about warmer weather made me think about gardening. If you enjoy gardening and you are thinking about starting a home-based business, perhaps you could grow and sell herbs. As an herb grower, you … Continue reading

Time Saving Tips to Keep You on Track

With the holidays fast approaching, things might be getting a little busy around your house. Some people are able to back off a little bit from their home based businesses during the holiday season and focus on holiday activities. People with seasonal home based businesses are likely to be putting in as much time and effort as they can right now. Either way, you are likely to be feeling a little bit crunched for time. Of course, there are only so many hours in a day. While we can not create additional hours, we can employ a few strategies to … Continue reading

Working In A Winter Wonderland

This morning, I saw a friendly reminder from my friends here at Families.com that there are ninety – one days until Christmas. While I am currently doing my best to ignore the chilly mornings and evenings as well as any hint of the impending colder season, now is a great time to decide whether you are going to start a full time or part time seasonal home – based business. Here are three ideas to get you started. If you live somewhere where it snows, then you could start a snow removal business. Whether you offer a basic service like … Continue reading