What is Your Dependability Quotient?

It is not always possible for us to see ourselves the way others see us—even the most self-aware among us. As a home business owner, however, there are some key areas where we may want to focus and make sure that we are ‘sending off’ the impression that we want others to get. One important area is the area of dependability. We want our customers and clients to know they can depend on us to follow through and follow up and be there when we need us. How dependable are you actually being? We all have had those friends or … Continue reading

Do You Have an “Open Door” or “Closed Door” When You Work From Home?

Many traditional companies and businesses will state that they have an “open door policy”—meaning that the doors stay open—either literally or figuratively and that anyone can talk to anyone else about work-related matters. I thought it might be fun to explore how this works in our home businesses—whether or not we can work with the chaos of having any and every family member come in and out of our work space, or if we need to sequester ourselves in order to get work done. Since I do not have an office with a door that closes in my home, I … Continue reading

How Specific Can You Tailor Your Service Delivery?

There are a great many advantages that those large companies have over us small ones—they have more employees, more capital, more marketing—but we really do have some advantages too. As a small, home-based business, we have the flexibility to really know our customers and clients and tailor our service delivery to meet their needs. We can meet them in a more intimate place and really find a way to deliver top-notch service that is quite specific. Sometimes it does not even pay to try to play the “big boy’s” game. Instead, we can focus in on what we do well … Continue reading

Made Improvements? Let Your Customers Know

Your customers and clients WANT to know if you have made improvements to your products, or extended your services; they want to know when your hours change or you do things to make your home business more efficient. When you make improvements to your business, make sure you let your customers know what you are up to—this can be a great marketing and promotion tool. There is a reason why the phrase “new and improved” has become such a mainstay in marketing products—people respond to it. There’s something about progression and improvements that make people likely to purchase or try … Continue reading

Too Much Flexibility Could Keep the Customers Away

Flexibility, change and the ability to adjust on a dime are hallmarks of a home business. Many of us are drawn to this type of work because we crave and need to be able to meet the needs of our families and others AND work and generate income at the same time. BUT, too much flexibility can make it hard for customers to find us and stick with us. Customers want to know what sort of service they will get, the hours to reach us, and how we will follow through on orders and service. If we make too many … Continue reading