Coping with All the Interruptions

Working from a home-based business means dealing with multiple interruptions throughout your work day. Whether it’s family, other work, friends, volunteer responsibilities, or general household tasks–most of us who work a home business don’t have the luxury of turning off all the distractions and focusing on work for an extended period of time. My ability to cope and remain flexible amidst interruptions is somewhat variable. Some days, I seem to just roll and dodge and weave with every curveball that comes my way. On other days, I find the slightest intrusion to set my teeth on edge and make it … Continue reading

If You Do What You Can Tolerate – The Money Will Follow… Eventually

In a previous blog entry I talked about “finding your passion, or faking it until you make it.” Another popular phrase in the home business world is… “if you love what you do, the money will follow”. Well, although that makes a great motivational poster or Hallmark card caption, it isn’t always that easy. When I look back at my at-home career, the catch phrase would more likely be, “If you do what you can tolerate, the money will follow…eventually.” One of my absolute favorite things to do in my spare time is to play with clay. I make magnets, … Continue reading

Unfortunately, I Have Yet to Find the “Get Rich Quick” WAHM Job

When I started to look for a work at home career (nearly ten years ago) I was admittedly drawn to the ads that say such things as, “make $1000 per month…in your sleep”, or “ground floor opportunity, get in now and make millions”. Can you imagine going to bed one evening and waking up with a $1000 check in the mailbox? It sounds just about as good as the ads that suggest you’ll lose 20 inches in 20 days. Well, I hate to break it to you…but I’ve never lost 20 inches in less than a month, and I’ve never … Continue reading