You May Have to Throw Out the Clock

Figuring out how to schedule our time can be an on-going reality for the average home business owner. While I am definitely an advocate of trying to come up with reasonable and somewhat predictable business hours, I also understand how sticking to a set schedule and doing business “by the clock” just may not work for a home business operation. I have written before about how I do think that time management is a key concern for the home business owner. After all, what is the point of working 13-hour days that net us $20 in income? Of course, in … Continue reading

Try Not to Hurry Through Your Day (If Possible)

I am writing this blog mostly for myself—I think it is a tip or a phrase of wisdom that I need to remind myself of every once in a while. Multitasking is one thing and time management and efficiency are good techniques for getting through a busy day, but too much hurrying and rushing can actually have a negative impact on our businesses. I feel good when I am being efficient and checking things of my list. I often, however, catch myself racing and rushing through my work tasks. With so much to do and trying to cram so much … Continue reading

Try Not to Be In Such a Hurry to Move Through

Being in crisis or transition–or wrestling with the realities of a single parent trying to provide and care for a child can seem like something we just want to “get through” and master. I know that I used to feel like I wanted to push and shove my way through anything unpleasant and get to a place where I felt stable and secure and competent again. In reality, however, if we push and rush ourselves through life’s transitions, we miss a great deal of the good stuff and we may be forced to repeat lessons until we slow down and … Continue reading

How Many Hours Are You Truly Working?

When I first decided that I wanted to work from home so I could stay home with our children when we had them (that still hasn’t happened, actually) I decided to become a medical transcriptionist (MT) because that was what I read about in an ad in the newspaper one Sunday. Not really the best reason for choosing a career path, but at the time, it made sense to me. I quit my day job and went to school full-time so I could graduate quickly and start working right away as an MT. My husband was very impressed with my … Continue reading

Could a Peer Tutor Help My Daughter with ADHD?

Today, ahem, was Sunni’s parent-teacher conference. “Sunni” is my twelve-year-old daughter with ADHD. She did not want to come to her conference, but I insisted. As is typical of her, she would rather have hid, or busied herself with babysitting. Sunni is extremely shy and hates “facing the music.” But her turn came, and we sat down across from her teacher. I squeezed myself into a child-size seat too small for my poor derriere, and Sunni sat sideways, turning symbolically away from the confrontation. Inconsistency and Inattention “As I mentioned on the phone, she’s missing a lot of assignments. And … Continue reading