Drumming Up Contract Clients

I often write about marketing as it relates to more sales oriented businesses, but for those of us whose home business involves consulting or working with fewer clients on a more intimate or long-term basis, marketing involves networking, finding and cultivating clients on a more long-term basis. For many of us, this can be the most challenging part of our work. Most of us get into consulting or freelancing because we love the work and we’re good at it. We are not necessarily gifted at sales and marketing. In fact, the actual details of getting the work done can be … Continue reading

Hosting Your Own Workshop, Seminar or Event

Many of us participate in workshops, conferences and seminars as part of our home businesses—either as a way of making customer contacts and sales, or as a way of networking, or even as a way of improving our skills and competency. Have you ever thought of hosting your own workshop or event? Hosting a workshop or a seminar can be a great way to make contacts, present pertinent and interesting material and promote your business. Some individuals are even able to make a decent amount of money on conferences, workshops, classes, and the like. The thing to remember, however, is … Continue reading

Filling a Void

In addition to finding ways to improve the lives of your customers and clients, one great business tactic is to look for, and find a void—and then step in to fill it. This is also known as “filling a niche” or “creating a market”—where are there gaps, holes, and needs? And what can you and your business do to fill them? I know that it is easy to start to think that everything has been done; every base has been covered, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Look around your industry or the market in which you conduct business and … Continue reading

Turning Specialized Knowledge Into a Home Business

Some of the most successful home businesses I know are ones where the proprietor has turned specialized knowledge or skills into a thriving business. As you look for ideas for your home business, or consider expanding your current operations—don’t overlook special skills, contacts, or knowledge you may have acquired that could be valuable to customers and clients. Sure, you might think of highly educated consultants as a perfect home-based business, but if you have specialized skills and knowledge in things like shipping and mailing, mechanics, appliance repair, second (or third) language skills, etc. these can be perfect for a home-based … Continue reading