Politics, Religion and Business?

We know better—or at least we have been told that in order to have pleasant, congenial conversations with people we should avoid those two hot topics of politics and religion. Why? Well, we individuals have a tendency to be…individuals—with opinions, philosophies, and ideas that we are passionate about. Unfortunately, many people have a hard time understanding that there are as many different ideas and opinions about politics, religion and how to live life as there are people. Often, people feel like in order for them to be “right” everyone else has to be wrong. It can get heated, tense, and … Continue reading

Spelling People’s Names Correctly

I have one of those names that just invites misspelling. Years ago, as a young kid, I got used to it and it is not something that bothers me—I answer to it however and I’ve gotten used to being called Carrie, Connie, Gloria and all sorts of other names that sort of sound like “Kori”—but I have found that some people get incredibly upset and agitated when their names are misspelled and in a business, this can mean the difference between a happy customer and bad public relations. I think it is definitely worth taking the time to make sure … Continue reading

Leveraging Relationships

One of the results of good networking for your home business is that you will establish and build relationships with all sorts of people. A positive off-shoot of these relationships will be the opportunity to leverage these relationships for further business growth. But, what exactly does it mean to “leverage relationships”? Let us say that you have a good friend who owns a small printing business. You take your brochures, marketing materials and other printing needs to this person and have built up a solid working relationship over the years. Now, let us imagine that you are at a holiday … Continue reading

Understanding that Customers, Clients and Colleagues Do Have a Life

Getting irritated at the behaviors of our clients and customers (not to mention colleagues and vendors) may seem like it comes with the work territory of running one’s own business—but it doesn’t have to be that way. I think it helps us to remind ourselves that other people really do have a life and while some of their choices might be inconvenient to us—they are normally not intended to be personal or mess up our schedules and lives… If you hear yourself saying “Why are they doing this to me?!” chances are things are out of perspective. I was talking … Continue reading