Encore: Q&A of a Working QA, Part One

I did an interview with Sheila, a working MT, and so now we’re on to Laura, a working QA! Laura graduated from MT school with near perfect scores and went on to be a part of a special MT program with a large company. She has thrived everywhere she has worked, and was even recently promoted from MT to QA at her company. She is still in training for the QA position but she is nearing the end of that training and I think has had enough overall experience in the MT field that she’s the perfect gal to interview … Continue reading

Flexibility as a Medical Transcriptionist

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. The overwhelming reason for people wanting to work as a medical transcriptionist (and I have actually done a survey of students and working MTs on this subject) is so they can work at home. Some people want to work at home because they have beloved pets they don’t want to leave behind as they go to work every day (several people have told me that’s their … Continue reading