Using Customer Questions to Make Improvements

When customers or clients ask questions, it can be a good jumping off place for us as to the areas of our businesses that need work. If things are confusing or do not quite work for those we do business with, they will likely come up as a question or a problem. Instead of simply feeling resentful or answering the question and moving on—if a question pops up (particularly if it pops up repeatedly) it is a good thing to investigate and see if there is room for improvement. I have found that questions and problems can be a great … Continue reading

How did This Problem get Started?

A goodly amount of time in any home business is spent solving problems. Whether they are problems that come to us by way of our customers and/or clients or if it is something that has gone wrong in our daily operations—problems can be consuming. Instead of simply treating the symptoms, however, it can be helpful to dig in and try to figure out how the problem got started. Not only can this help you solve the problem at hand, but it can also help to fix a “systems” problem to make sure that it does not happen again. Let us … Continue reading

Ways to Use Endorsements in Your Home Business

As I write about endorsements and how they can be used in your home business, I am thinking of them from two different perspectives. First, the endorsements that you have received (or will receive) from other people and institutions and second, the possibility that you can give and share endorsements to others with your home business operation. Endorsements can come in the form of credentials—if you have certain credentials, licenses or other “special accommodation” that you have received that can enhance your professionalism, by all means you should use them to promote your business. Additionally, endorsements can be a bit … Continue reading

Are You Offering Anything Original?

One of the things that sets us apart in our home businesses from others in our market is when we do or offer something completely original. Whether it is a product, a service, or the way we go about doing business (our service delivery), if we can offer something original, it will differentiate us and may help us to attract and keep clients and customers. It is hard to be original! It can seem like everything has already been done and been done over and over again at that. People are constantly coming up with new inventions and products, however, … Continue reading