Good Judgment Vs. Being Judgmental

I wrote yesterday about “judgment”–as in good judgment and how it is important for us to know what triggers us and clouds our judgment. I realized however that for some of us, we get hitched up on the difference between judgment–the need to have good sense and a critical eye; to be able to evaluate a situation and make the best decision, and being judgmental–being too critical and passing judgment on people and situations based on our value systems and not being able to see things objectively. Being too judgmental can harm our home businesses. Running a business demands that … Continue reading

What Clouds Your Judgment?

Even in the world of business, we all have our triggers. We might be completely clear-minded in certain areas and able to use wisdom and experience to make good decisions–but there may be other areas where our judgment can get clouded and we are not as focused and objective. I think it helps to do a little self-discovery in order to determine what those triggers are that cloud our judgment when it comes to our home businesses. This way, we can be on the look-out and make some accommodations when we lose our objectivity. As I mentioned earlier–we ALL have … Continue reading

When You Get Emotionally Attached in Your Home Business

Have you ever heard people refer to their work, business, or project as “their baby”? How can we NOT care about the outcome and well-being of our home businesses—we put so much blood, sweat, and tears into them? Becoming too emotionally attached can be a bit of a problem, however, when it clouds our judgment or makes it tough for us to make objective business decisions. I am not really someone who can subscribe to the “it’s just business” school either. I do feel like I bring my emotions and my cares and concerns into my home business. But, I … Continue reading

Money Is Not Evil

Money is the root of all evil. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. I’ve heard it a lot. I’ve even had to correct one pastor who uttered those very words. I hear or read it mostly in relation to debt. I guess that money is the problem instead of spending beyond one’s means. It’s just another way to not take responsibility for actions. It wasn’t me. The devil made me do it. It was the Twinkies. Money is not evil. Credit cards are not evil. Mortgages are not evil. These things are inanimate objects that serve a purpose. They are … Continue reading

Making Productive Use of Disappointment

Things do not always go our way. Even the most optimistic and successful among us has to face disappointments in our home businesses occasionally. For others of us, the disappointments may seem to come more steadily. Instead of letting ourselves get crushed and discouraged, however, there are productive ways we can make the most of those disappointing times. There are a lot of things we can do with disappointment—we can use it to remind us that we really do care about what is going on in our businesses; we can also take the circumstances that led up to the disappointment … Continue reading