Having a Training and Education Plan

We talk about how important it is to have a business plan and a budget for a home business owner, but there are other types of planning that can be extremely beneficial too. Whether you would like to return to college and get another degree, or achieve some higher level of certification; or if you would simply like to brush up on your computer software skills, having a plan for how you will continue your training and education can help you budget and organize your time to achieve your goals. I have found that there is always room for improvement … Continue reading

Summer is a Good Time for Classes and Extra Training

As long as your home business is not a summer business or one where you are working harder during the summer months than any other time of year (and there are plenty of home business that are seasonal), summer can be a downtime or a slow time. For those businesses where summer affords us a little more leisure or non-work time, this can be the perfect time of year to take a class or get some extra training to help us improve our skills and business savvy. Many of us find that business just naturally slows during the summer months. … Continue reading

Think of All the Hands On Training You’re Getting!

Even though most of us bring all sorts of skills and work experience to our home businesses, we may feel ill-prepared for all of the demands of the job we have taken on. I know that even though I thought I was well prepared to run my own business, I definitely learned quite a bit not just from business magazines and books, but also by actually doing the tasks and dealing with issues as they arose. When you feel overwhelmed or think you are completely out of your comfort zone in your home business—just think of all the valuable hands-on … Continue reading

Organic Training

I call it “organic training” — those tricks your pets learn without much effort on your part. You don’t have to practice; they just happen. Moose — my shepherd mix — is great with organic training. I’ll be the first to say that he isn’t the world’s smartest dog. When I first brought him home to foster, he didn’t answer to his name (Coyote)! When I accidentally found a name that he would respond to (Moose), we stuck with that. He learns well by example. Lally already knew how to sit when Moose joined the family. By watching her, he … Continue reading

Who Decides What Sort of Training You Need?

Perhaps you hoped that once you branched out on your own and started your home based business, the need for training and classes would pass? No continuing education requirements or yearly training hour quotas. However, there are some industries and types of businesses where staying abreast of current and best practices is a requirement and others where periodic or regular training is just a good idea. Without a boss or human resources department to mandate it though, who decides what sort of training (and when) that you might need? As small home business owners, most of us have to manage … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Ye Ought ‘Not Procrastinate the Day of Your Repentence’

We are already a week into the new year. How are you doing at keeping your New Year’s resolutions? Have you started yet, or are you putting them off until ‘tomorrow’? Some resolutions may not matter, but others may well have eternal consequences. The first Priesthood/Relief Society lesson from “Teachings of the Presidents of the Church” is entitled “To Live With Him Someday.” President Kimball discusses the things we need to do to return home to our Heavenly Father. As I studied the lesson, one of President Kimball’s quotes stood out in my mind. One of the most serious human … Continue reading

Establishing a Support System #4: Organizing All The Paperwork and Information.

When a family decides to adopt a child the paperwork and information we get along the way can become a mountain of clutter and a job in itself. From the moment we start the process we begin to collect documents and papers we may never be able to replace once the adoption is final. The papers can be overwhelming for potential adoptive parents. Information from the agencies we investigate. Legal documents we are given, such as original birth certificates and social security numbers for children who have already been issued one. Background information about the birth family we may not … Continue reading