What to do When Customers and Clients Pester

When I was writing earlier this morning about how to cope with having other’s problems dumped in your lap in your home business operations, I thought about how a “sister” topic for me is those individuals who pester–they make repeated calls with repeated demands and nitpick over all sorts of tiny details. They might not give you time to call them back, or they may think of a dozen excuses to call or send e-mails. If you only have one or two clients, this might not seem like such a big deal, but if you’ve got a full roster of … Continue reading

Making the Most of Your Email Signature

By now, I am sure we are all on board with the fact that email is here to stay and we’ve even played around with how important our email is to our home businesses. BUT, are you making the most of your email to promote and market your business? It might be as easy as making some adjustments and changes to your email signature. It is quite easy to set your email setting (regardless of whether you are using Outlook or some other email program) to have a set “signature” line at the bottom of every e-mail you send. You … Continue reading

Are You Willing to Go the Extra Mile? Make Sure Your Customers Know!

We home business owners are working up against a few stereo-types. The Work-at-Home-Mom (WAHM as we like to call her in this blog) can often be mistaken for a slacker who is not committed to her work or customers and people may assume that since they are working with someone who is running a business out of his or her home, it’s not professional or reliable. Of course, we know this is wrong, wrong, wrong! But, how are we letting our customers know that? I think we need to let our customers KNOW that we are going the extra mile … Continue reading

Why Email is the Best Customer Service

Most people have worked a retail job at some point in their lives. Ask anyone what the worst part about a retail job is and they will likely say dealing with the customers. In a “regular” business with a brick and mortar storefront, most of your customer service will be done through face to face interaction or by telephone. And if the customer is driving you completely crazy? Not so good. I don’t think I would have been able to survive in any form of sales if it were not for email. If a customer has gone insane or is … Continue reading

New Year, Old Customers

It’s a New Year! 2007 is going to be great! Why? Because I am going to make it a wonderful year for my old customers by creating the best customer service possible. Often we tend to forget about those who bought in 2006, even in 2005. If they loved our products and service once, why wouldn’t they come back? Sure, we think they will just call us. But we are not really in the front of their mind. Now is the best time to remind them who do shop with and business with in 2007! Spend the next few days … Continue reading

Tips for the Slow Season

One of the goals that many home – based professionals may have set for themselves for 2012 is to earn more income form their home – based business than they did in 2011. This is a perfectly reasonable goal, and a new year brings with it a fresh sense of energy and enthusiasm that has you ready to get out there and bring home the bacon. It is important to go into the New Year with the understanding that your plan for earning more money this year may get off to a slow start for at least one reason that … Continue reading

Helpful Hints For Excellent Communication

As a home-based business owner, you are able to provide your clients with some advantages that they just cannot get from “the big guys”. One major advantage that clients and customers get from dealing with home-based professionals is personal service. Since you (and perhaps only a few other staff is you have employees) are the only one(s) dealing with your clients, you can give them a great deal of attention and service that shows that you know them and you value their needs. One great way that you can distinguish yourself in the area of customer service is communication. By … Continue reading

How to Keep Clients Coming Back for More

One of the great feelings that a person can experience as the owner of his or her own business is the thrill of encountering a repeat client. They came to you for your product or service before, and you did your very best to ensure that they were satisfied with the product or service that they received from you. After the sale, you both went your separate ways. Fast forward to some time in the future when you receive a call, email, or visit from them again – they liked what you sold them or what you did for them, … Continue reading

American Express Spring Fling

American Express is conducting a Spring Fling promotion. When you buy two American Express gift cards, they will send you a $25 Spring Fling gift card in the mail. When I first heard of this promotion, I wasn’t very impressed. It’s a great promotion, but I don’t need any gift cards right now. Then I started thinking about it. These Amex gift cards work anywhere an American Express credit card is accepted. I pay for gas and groceries with my debit card. Why couldn’t I use the gift cards instead? I would get use out of the Amex cards and … Continue reading

A Conversation with Pop ARF Artist Nathan Janes, Part I

“One Nation Under Dog,” an original by Nathan Janes I was drawn (no pun intended) to my next interview subject because he feels the same way I do –heck, that most of us animal lovers do—about mistreated and abused animals. Where I react to it with words, he reacts with marvelous creations. That’s why it’s my pleasure to introduce to you Nathan Janes, the creator of Pop ARF. I first became aware of his work right around the time all the Michael Vick stuff started. I decided to send him an email and see if he’d be willing to be … Continue reading