Why Can’t Every Day Be a SUPER Day?

Every so often in my home business, I have what I like to call a SUPER day…I get started early and feel energized, I check things off my to-do list and manage to get all sorts of things done–all while feeling perky and inspired. What I cannot help but wonder, however, is why EVERY DAY cannot be a SUPER DAY?! Have you ever had one of those days where you were just on fire? Everything seemed to go your way and you got so much done that you did what would ordinarily be a week’s worth of work in a … Continue reading

Working Anywhere and Everywhere (Getting Up to Speed on Mobility)

I am a recent convert to the world of the laptop computer. I know that there are those of you who are shaking your heads and wondering how I could even call myself a writer for all these years when I have been tied down to the cumbersome desk computers. The truth is, I genuinely liked having an organized workspace and being able to compartmentalize my work life with other aspects of my world. Strangely enough, while I entertained the idea of getting a laptop in the future, and I fantasized about what it might be like to be a … Continue reading