Winter Safety Tips

Winter weather can be very serious. Several parts of the United States regularly experience freezing temperatures and large amounts of snow every winter. This kind of weather may look pretty in photos, but it can be dangerous to have to live in and deal with. Here are some winter safety tips that can help keep you, and your family, safe this winter. Snow Removal Safety The National Safety Council (NSC) has some safety tips regarding snow removal. They advise that people who are over the age of 40, and who are relatively inactive, should be especially careful when shoveling snow. … Continue reading

Time Saving Tips to Keep You on Track

With the holidays fast approaching, things might be getting a little busy around your house. Some people are able to back off a little bit from their home based businesses during the holiday season and focus on holiday activities. People with seasonal home based businesses are likely to be putting in as much time and effort as they can right now. Either way, you are likely to be feeling a little bit crunched for time. Of course, there are only so many hours in a day. While we can not create additional hours, we can employ a few strategies to … Continue reading

Politically Correct Emails

Listen you all… this is important. Emails are hard-copied versions of words that once sent, cannot be taken back. This is critical to remember, whenever you send an email. However, it is super critical when the email is work related or sent from your employer’s email account. Many employers have become paranoid about how their employees use email. Therefore, whether they are open about it or not, they are often watching you and your email account. Yes, it may sound like a scary big brother episode. Still, look at it from the company’s perspective. If you send an email out … Continue reading

Where are You Spending Most of Your Time?

Staying organized and reasonably efficient in a home business means having a good idea of what you are doing with your time, energy and resources. Just because you have a plan or an “idea” of what you imagine you are doing as you work at your business does not mean that is actually what you are doing. It takes some honesty and self-examination, but periodically it is a good idea to review where it is that you are actually spending most of your time? When I first started my writing business, I figured up a budget based on all the … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review July 18-23, 2007

Insurance Term Of The Week: Homeowner Insurance Forms If you have read any of my guest blogs in the Adoption or Special Needs parenting sections or know about my personal life at all hopefully you can forgive my obvious lack of work the past several months. I love this gig but the responsibility of parenting a special needs child is overwhelming sometimes! Let’s hope I can stay back on track and writing about the exciting topic of Insurance. I wish I was not cursed with a mind that thinks Risk Management all the time, it makes it difficult to go … Continue reading

Finding Time for Personal Projects and a Business

Time management is one of those issues we talk about regularly around here in the home business Blog–but it is usually in relation to how to balance home business responsibilities with family life. For some of us, figuring out how to find time for our own personal projects can further exacerbate the time management dilemma. In addition to running my own home-based business and working a more “traditional” (albeit flexible) job and raising a family as a single parent, I am also working on “the book.” Having been published in other genre, I’m determined that my version of a writing … Continue reading

Do You Feel Like You’re Stealing Time From Your Business?

Time management is a topic that comes up again and again here in the Home Business blog. After all, most of us are juggling work, business, family, and all sorts of other obligations and keeping everything in order is a very big challenge. While many people might feel like they do not have enough time for their families or other non-work-related responsibilities, there may be others of us who feel like we are short-changing our home businesses and guiltily stealing time away that we should be spending on building and operating our business enterprises. What sort of things might steal … Continue reading

Running Errands on Work Time

Working from a home-based business means that we can take full advantage of multi-tasking…or not—depending on our temperament and preferred mode of working. Folks who are really great multi-taskers can often do family, personal and work errands all at the same time and take advantage of excellent time management skills. I am someone who can lose a whole day to errands and then find myself playing catch-up in my typically “off work” time. What I do know is that momentum is important to me and how I work—if I have to leave my desk and work focus to run errands … Continue reading

When Your Work Schedule Changes

Sometimes, life can seem all about scheduling—especially when it comes to taking care of the myriad obligations of family, work, community, church, etc. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that just when I get everything really humming along in a manageable schedule, something changes and throws everything out of wack. Often, what changes is my work schedule! For those of us who operate home-based business, we might have more control over our schedules than if we worked a more traditional job. This doesn’t make us exempt, however. In fact, I find that taking on a new client or … Continue reading

Do You Work in Different Time Zones?

An old friend and colleague of mine works as an independent contractor for her home business and she works on several national accounts. She’s had to learn how to organize her time and coordinate her work day to take into account clients who are operating in different time zones. I thought this might be an interesting topic to explore here in our blogs and maybe find out if there are any good tips and techniques for working with clients and/or customers in different time zones–without having to be on call 16 hours a day! It took my friend about a … Continue reading