Working on Your Persuasion Skills

The art of persuasion sometimes has a bad reputation. Often, when people think of “persuasion” they think of the hard sales pitch. But, it doesn’t have to be an obvious, hard, or relentless approach of “slamming” a customer or client into a purchase at all. As a matter of fact, honing up on your persuasion skills can only help you in promoting and growing your home business. Persuasion can mean sales, of course, but it can also be a very useful tool in negotiating and problem-solving. If you have an idea or solution to pitch, you’ll want to draw on … Continue reading

Top 10 Reasons You Should Let Your Child Have A Messy Room

1. It can enhance your child’s balance and coordination skills. As they have to weave around the objects on their floor, leap into bed, and scale the mound of clothes without slipping. 2. Memory skills are improved. As your child struggles to remember where they left their library book, under the bed or maybe on the desk, they are working their memory. After all doesn’t every parent want his or her child to develop a good memory? 3. Handyperson skills are developed. As they learn the fine art of unjamming a drawer that is stuffed too full of clothes. This … Continue reading

Consider “Inviting” Prospects to Become Clients or Customers

Most of us think of promoting our business as “sales”–we give sales pitches, try to get prospective individuals interested in what we have to offer, and then we try to win them over until they become paying clients or customers. There may be a different approach, however, and you might consider thinking of ways to “invite” people to become involved in your business. This is not a new approach–I am sure if you think of some ad campaigns or interactions you have had with other companies, you will recall being “invited to get involved” or “invited to become a customer.” … Continue reading

Watch Out for Obstacles in Making Sales

I am sure there are some of you home business owners out there who are fabulous sales people and who could teach me a thing or two (or twenty) about “making the sale.” Recently, I was chatting with a friend who IS a salesperson and she said that making a sale is really more about overcoming obstacles than anything else. Some of these obstacles, she explained, come from the prospective customer—but some are either circumstantial (time of year, time of month, etc.) and some actually come from the salesperson herself! So, what are the typical obstacles when it comes to … Continue reading