Who Do I Parent? The Kids or the Kitten?

I wrote a month or so in the Home Business blog about the challenges of trying to work with a kitten climbing all over the keyboard. My middle daughter “rescued” the adorable creature downtown and brought him home when he was barely four weeks old. As I established myself in the kitchen and dining room this morning to welcome another Thanksgiving–I realized that while the kids are no longer under foot, the kitten definitely is! Now, you should know that I LOVE Thanksgiving. As an avid cook, I so enjoy everything from planning the menu to lingering over setting the … Continue reading

Working With a Kitten on the Keyboard

We have a new family member. For once, I did NOT bring this one home, but one of my daughters rescued a kitten from downtown and while he is adorable, tiny and healthy–he has also introduced a new wave of chaos to our already unpredictable family–and since Mom works from home, guess who’s having to adjust to the wild little thing the most? Alright, maybe not the “most”–we have two well-established cats who aren’t exactly thrilled to have the little fur ball pouncing on their tales or nudging in next to them in the litter box. But, while my daughter … Continue reading

Coming Up With a Formula

Do you feel as though you are reinventing the wheel on a regular business as you work to build your business? Are you still trying all sorts of things to see what works best? Some of the most successful businesses are those who find a certain “formula” that works and sticking to that in order to build up the business. When you think of “formula” you might be thinking boring, but there are some really dynamic businesses that have been built on basic formulas. This is one of the reasons that franchises can be a popular form of business for … Continue reading

Is This Your Dream Job?

I was talking with another home business owner/operator recently and she declared that her business was finally her “dream job”—I felt a pang of envy. While I truly love SOME of the stuff that I do for work, I haven’t been able to focus entirely on the parts I love and let go of the parts I don’t…I need a little more time before my work from home business is truly my dream job. But, I do think that entrepreneurs and work at home business owners are often much more inclined, and much closer to actually working their dream jobs … Continue reading