Working on Being Nonjudgmental in Business

Have you ever tried to go an entire day without passing judgment? It is nearly impossible! Unless, of course, you are the Dali Lama or some sort of saint. As we operate our home businesses, however, it can be incredibly challenging not to pass judgment on customers, clients, prospects, vendors and even our competitors. Our first instinct may be to call them stupid or make generalizations about their “type.” Unfortunately, this judgmentalism can come back to haunt us and keep us from giving good service, making strong contacts and encouraging loyal customers. Not to mention, it can affect how we … Continue reading

I am Not So Good at Pampering and Stroking Egos

I think a little self-awareness can be a good thing. I have definitely learned some things about myself since embarking on this home business adventure and the more I learn about myself, the more I can work out some of the kinks in my work. One thing I have learned is that I am not particularly gifted when it comes to stroking big egos or pampering and making accommodations for difficult, egotistical people… I have written about coping with difficult people and challenging customers, but I also wanted to confess that it doesn’t always come easily for me. Like anyone … Continue reading

Sometimes, They Just Need a Little Hand-Holding

Who among us hasn’t found ourselves losing patience with a particularly challenging customer or client? What seems pretty simple and “self-explanatory” to us can sometimes be confusing and troubling to one of our prospects or customers. As much as we might want to tell them firmly to “get a grip”–sometimes, they just need a little guidance and hand-holding and they might develop into loyal and steady customers. In one of my incarnations, I do a lot of work and interaction with people from all over the world. This means that there is often a challenge when it comes to language, … Continue reading

Moving and Your Home Business

Moving is tough stuff! Getting organized and moving from one house to another is challenging and overwhelming enough–without having to take into account a home-based business too… One of the problems with moving a home-based business is that you may need to continue working, while you are in the process of moving. Depending on the type of business you operate, this can range from easy (just taking the lap-top with you and keeping things going) to rather complicated (if you have merchandise or product that you have to have handy). Being able to juggle the tasks and time management needed … Continue reading

Finding Energizing Customers

I have talked a bit here in the Home Business Blog about challenging customers and how focused we have to be to work with those tough and challenging people. But, it occurred to me that as challenging as some people can be—there are those customers and clients who are absolute gems. Just being around them and interacting with them can be inspiring and energizing! So, for some balance and pleasantry in your home businesses, it is a very good thing to find and keep those energizing customers. Energizing customers are really just neat people. Having customers and clients who actually … Continue reading

Keeping People and Problems Separate

How many times have we been told not to “take things personally?” I don’t know about you but I get somewhat emotional and attached to outcomes when it involves my home business. With so much invested in terms of blood, sweat and tears—not to mention hours and labor—it can be tough to keep things in perspective when conflicts arise. I have to remind myself to separate the problems and issues from the people so that I can stay strong and effective in my negotiating and problem-solving. I’ve written before about dealing with challenging customers and clients, or trying to collect … Continue reading

How do You Handle Complaints?

Chances are that your one-person home business doesn’t have its own “complaint department”—unless you just assume that one of the many hats you wear in your world of business, work, and family has those words embroidered across the front. Perhaps you’ve been lucky enough not to have to deal with any complaints or difficulties with customers or product—but if you have, how do you handle those complaints? I’m of the belief that it is better to deal with things quickly than to let them fester. Although I was talking with a friend who said that many complaints resolve themselves if … Continue reading

When You Absolutely, Positively Cannot Stand a Customer, Client or Colleague

I am, by nature, a very positive person. So, I can get pretty resentful when individuals bring out my “negative side.” And, while I am a grown-up and I know some of the basics of diplomacy and how to cope and deal with difficult people—every once in a while there is someone who I absolutely, positively, do not and cannot manage to like. What then? I have found that the few people who have set my teeth on edge are normally pretty negative people—those individuals (colleagues, clients, customers) who gripe and whine about everything and anything, refuse to take responsibility … Continue reading

Nurturing and Cultivating Customers

I am not currently really in a sales business, but I have very strong background in development and fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Raising money is another form of sales and definitely requires the development of some sales skills. But, the one lesson a person learns in fundraising is that it’s not about the one-time donation or “sale”–its far more important to create donors and cultivate people over the long haul. I think this applies to any sort of business as well. Sometimes, making a sale can be in direct conflict with building long-term, loyal customers. It takes some foresight to … Continue reading

Working with Challenging Customers and Clients

Ah, that all our customers could be sweet, compliant and pay on time! Unfortunately, that’s just not the way business goes (nor life, in fact) and any person who spends any time in business soon realizes that customer service involves dealing with some very challenging and difficult customers and clients. Here are some brief suggestions to add to your customer service “tool box” and help you cope with customers and clients who may be more on the challenging side. Dealing with difficult people involves a heaping helping of psychology. If possible, try to set your own personal reaction aside and … Continue reading