Real Food Matters

How well does your family eat? Sometimes, it can seem like the easiest solution to dinner is the best choice, especially when busy families are balancing after-school activities, homework, and everything else. Fast food is quick, but generally not the healthiest way to go. Instead, families should change their lifestyle to include real food. Don’t worry if you feel that learning about real food, how to cook it, and where to buy it, seems overwhelming. There is a fantastic website that can teach you everything you need to know. BantingWarehouse understands that real food matters. They provide information for people … Continue reading

Mia Love Wants to Eliminate the Department of Education

Mia Love is a Republican in Utah who is running for Congress. She wants to eliminate the Department of Education and the funding that states receive from IDEA. Her opponent, Democrat Jim Matheson points out that doing so would decimate Special Education. Jim Matheson and Mia Love are candidates from Utah who are running for Congress. Whichever one of them wins the election will have the ability to make an impact upon not only their state but the entire nation. Parents who have children that have special needs, or who are enrolled in Special Education, should pay close attention to … Continue reading

Take a Joyride to Radiator Springs at Cars Land

Radiator Springs is officially open for visitation on June 15. That’s the date that Disneyland’s newest park, Cars Land, is open to the public. The official Disney Parks blog has been posting a lot of pictures from Cars Land lately, but what I’ve actually found most informative about the forthcoming park is its own website. I want to refer to Cars Land as Radiator Springs because that’s basically what it is: guests walk right down Route 66 into the small town and they can visit all the shops and residences of the cars that live there. Swing by Fillmore’s Taste-In … Continue reading

The Atkins Diet – I’m Doing It Wrong!

When I started doing the Atkins diet, I jumped in with both feet. My interest in losing weight, as quickly as it was safe to do it, was a big focus. I never actually read the Atkins book. Since then, I have skimmed over some of it. It turns out that I am not doing this diet exactly right. Once I commit to a particular goal, I give it everything I’ve got. While I sometimes do a little bit of research before I make the decision to embark on a potentially life changing journey, this is not often the case. … Continue reading

Music Therapy Benefits Children With Special Needs

Music is powerful. It can evoke strong emotions, inspire people to dance, and bring back memories of the past. There are many ways that music therapy can help children who have a special need. Parents interested in having their child try music therapy should seek out a licensed music therapist. Music therapy is an evidence based use of music interventions in order to assist a child with accomplishing specific goals. People who are licensed music therapists are part of an established health profession. The music therapist and the child he or she is working with will use this therapeutic relationship … Continue reading

April is National Autism Awareness Month

Since the 1970s, The Autism Society has been celebrating National Autism Awareness month. It takes place every April. The purpose of this month is to bring awareness to the general public about what autism is, and what it is not. It is the perfect opportunity to educate people about autism. Perhaps there is an event going on in your neighborhood that is a part of Autism Awareness month. If you check out the Autism Society website you can find several suggestions about what you can do to celebrate Autism Awareness Month. This year, there is a movie that they feel … Continue reading

Sunshine Kids Car Seats

I am kind of a car seat crazy person. I want my kids to be safe. You hear stories all the time about seats not being installed correctly, or about an accident that could have been avoided if only the child had been strapped in correctly to a car seat. So, when I had my first baby, I made sure to do my research. I found an acceptable infant car seat, but when it was time to move her up to a bigger one, I wanted one that was going to last, and one that was strong, and durable. I … Continue reading

What is the History of Your House?

Every house has stories to tell. Have you ever wondered about the families that lived in your house before you moved in? The area around your home must have gone through some changes over the years. What did things used to look like? You can use your genealogy skills to uncover the history of your house, and the people who used to live there. It can be fun to use your genealogy research skills in a slightly different way. You probably put a lot of thought into what you wanted in a home. If you have several children, you need … Continue reading

Save on Everything at Horchow

The holiday season is right around the corner. Soon, you may need to be prepared for a house full of people. Perhaps it is your year to host Thanksgiving Dinner for your family. Or, maybe you really love to decorate for Christmas, and want to share that with your extended family. Either way, you might be ready to consider getting some new furniture, especially if key pieces have started to show some wear and tear. Save some money by shopping the sale from the Horchow Collection. Before you place your order for a brand new couch, or some extra chairs, … Continue reading

Chipotle is Having a Costume Contest, and $2.00 Food!

What are you going to be for Halloween this year? If you have not decided yet, I have a suggestion. Dress up as a “horrifying processed food”, and wear your costume to a Chipotle restaurant. Show up on Halloween after 6:00 P. M. and you will get a burrito, bowl, salad, or an order of tacos for just $2.00. Chipotle is also having a costume contest, where the winner will get $2,500. One of the nice things about Chipotle is that their food is made from fresh ingredients. Nothing is deep fried, and nothing is made from processed foods that … Continue reading